On 22nd Nov. 2024 LUIZA is organizing a SciTea workshop on the topic of Large Language Models (LLMs). This is another instance of our workshop where students of UNIZA will have the opportunity to meet excellent young machine learning researchers from other institutions – in this case from KInIT and from TUKE.


The event combines invited talks with an open discussion over a cup of tea, where the participants will be able to talk about everything and anything with the speakers, including e.g. their respective research topics, the broader trends in AI, machine learning and LLMs, or even some useful career tips – all in a pleasant social setting.

We believe that providing students with access to excellent young researchers from Slovakia’s top research groups is an excellent way to foster intellectual growth and inspire curiosity in the field of AI. Crucially, the casual, informal setting of the event encourages students to ask questions, exchange ideas, and possibly form lasting professional connections.


  • LUIZA, as an activity of KEGA project SCORE4AI (008ŽU-4/2024);
  • KInIT, as an activity of project DisAI;


NameAffiliationTopic of the Talk
Ivana BeňováPhD. student
Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies
Multimodality, modern vision-language architectures and how to probe for what they do and do not understand
Ivan VykopalPhD. student
Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies
Large language models and how to efficient fine-tune them – in general and in multi-lingual contexts
Viliam BalaraPhD. student
Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence
Technical University of Kosice