LUIZA at the NLP Winter School 2025

By michalgregor

Following the success of our collaboration with KInIT at 2024’s NLP Summer School in Bratislava, LUIZA’s SCORE4AI project is again going to deliver a segment at this year’s NLP winter school, which takes place on February 7th in Bratislava. We are going to deliver a segment entitled “LLMs: Moving Towards Intelligence”, which is going to…

SciTea: Computer Vision; 15. 11. 2024

By michalgregor

On 15th Nov. 2024 LUIZA is organizing a SciTea workshop on the topic of Computer Vision. This is another instance of our workshop where students of UNIZA will have the opportunity to meet excellent young machine learning researchers from other institutions – in this case from KInIT, TUKE and UK. Format The event combines invited…

SciTea: Large Language Models; 22. 11. 2024

By michalgregor

On 22nd Nov. 2024 LUIZA is organizing a SciTea workshop on the topic of Large Language Models (LLMs). This is another instance of our workshop where students of UNIZA will have the opportunity to meet excellent young machine learning researchers from other institutions – in this case from KInIT and from TUKE. Format The event…

LUIZA in NLP Summer Schools

By michalgregor

LUIZA’s SCORE4AI project is all about collaboration in educating young artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) talents across Slovakia. Having learnt that KInIT was organizing two connected summer school events (KInIT NLP Summer School; DisAI Summer School) on natural language processing (NLP) this year, we were bound to join the effort – after all, NLP’s large language models (LLMs) are currently driving progress in AI and machine learning!

SciTea Workshop; 24. 11. 2023

By michalgregor

On 24th Nov. 2023 we are organizing a SciTea workshop “Deep Learning in Computer Vision” – an event, where students from UNIZA will have the opportunity to meet excellent young ML researchers from UNIBA and TUKE. The event combines invited talks with an open discussion over a cup of tea, where the participants will be…

Educational Workshops @LUIZA

By michalgregor

At LUIZA we are committed to supporting education in the area of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Given that the half-life of knowledge in machine learning is estimated by some leading experts to be around 3 months, we believe that it is absolutely crucial to concentrate on building meta-skills (such as paper reading and implementation,…


By michalgregor

This year, LUIZA is again co-organizing MLSS@UNIZA! This time around, we are running it in a new format – with a 2-day face-to-face part (which took place 5th – 6th Sept.) and an extended blended part that runs until the Nov. 30th. This new format is supported by several educational projects that our members are…


By michalgregor

We are glad to share that in spite of the ongoing pandemic and various travel restrictions, we were able to run the Machine Learning School @UNIZA again this year – although we did it online. From 13th Sept. until 17th Sept. the participants were once again able to learn about the fundaments of modern machine…

LUIZA for Education

By michalgregor

At LUIZA, one of the things we care about deeply is supporting education in the area of artificial intelligence and machine learning. We are glad to share that we are now participating in 3 educational projects at UNIZA.

Letná škola strojového učenia @ UNIZA 2020

By michalgregor

Od pondelka 7. 9. beží na Žilinskej univerzite ďalší ročník Letnej školy strojového učenia. Tešíme sa, že aj napriek pandemickej situácii majú účastníci opäť možnosť získať intenzívnou formou základy moderného strojového učenia. Osobitná vďaka patrí pozvaným prednášajúcim –Marekovi Šuppovi a Michalovi Chovancovi – za špecializované prednášky.